
Which Option Represents a Legal Invocation of the Method Square()

Bits representing 42 are returned by the giveSecret() method and end up in the theSecret variable. Which of the following statements is true for the specified code snippet? In classes, attributes and methods are typically defined as ____ and __, respectively. Each of the Java files on this page is a complete source file. Your task is to read the compiler and determine whether each of these files is compiled. If they don`t compile, how would you fix them, and if they do, what would their output be? Values passed in and out of methods can be implicitly promoted to a larger type or explicitly converted to a smaller type. Subject: The point for setters (and also getters) is that you can change your mind later without breaking someone else`s code! Imagine that half the employees in your organization use your classroom with public instance variables and one day you suddenly realize, « Oops, there`s something I hadn`t anticipated with this value, I need to switch to a setter method. » They break everybody`s code. What`s cool about encapsulation is that you can change your mind. And no one is hurt. The performance gain resulting from the direct use of variables is so small and would rarely, if ever, be worth it. The `XCopy` class compiles and works without change! The number reads « 42 84 ».

Remember, Java is passed by value, (i.e. passed by copy), the variable `orig` is not modified by the go( ). 23. In an accounting application, you will discover several places where the total profit, a double value, is calculated. Which of the following steps should be taken to improve the design of the programme?I. The next time the total gain is calculated, use copy and paste to avoid encoding errors.II. Enter the same comment each time you repeat the calculation of the total winnings. III. Consider writing a method that returns the total profit as a double value. (a) 3. One of the advantages of designing black box methods is that A) Depending on your programming experience and personal preferences, you can use the term arguments, or possibly parameters, for values passed to a method. While there are formal differences in computer science that people who wear lab coats and certainly won`t read this book do, we have bigger fish to fry in this book.

So you can call them whatever you want (arguments, donuts, hairballs, etc.), but here`s how we do it: instance variables are declared in a class, but not in a method. A: Sort of. A method can declare only one return value. BUT. For example, if you want to return three int values, the declared return type might be an int array. Fill in these ints in the table and return it. It is a bit more complicated to return multiple values of different types. We`ll talk about this in a later chapter when we talk about ArrayList. Q: Can a method declare multiple return values? Or is there a way to return more than one value? The value you pass as an argument to a method can be a literal value (2, `c`, and so on) or a variable of the declared parameter type (for example, x, where x is an int variable).

(There are other things you can convey as arguments, but we`re not there yet.) 11. Why is manual tracking or iteration of method execution useful? A) Call the go() method and pass the variable x as an argument. The bits in x are copied, and the copy finishes for example: The parameters of the method are virtually identical to the local variables – they are declared in the method (well, technically, they are declared in the method`s argument list and not in the body of the method, but they are still local variables as opposed to instance variables). However, method parameters are never uninitialized, so you never get a compiler error telling you that a parameter variable may not have been initialized. A: You will learn more about this in the following chapters, but you already know the answer. Java transmits everything by value. All. But. Value means bits in the variable. And remember that you don`t cram objects into variables. The variable is a remote control – a reference to an object.

So when you pass a reference to an object to a method, you pass a copy of the remote control. Stay tuned, we`ll have much more to say. « I`m afraid it`s not that easy, Jai, Buchanan tells me here that you`re up to date on J37NE, » Leveler insinuated. « Neural editing? Of course, I play a little, so what? Jai replied a little uncomfortable. « With neural editing, I`m letting Stim addicts know where the next drop will be, » Nleveller explained. « The problem is that some Stim addicts have stayed straight enough to figure out how to hack my storage database. » « I need a quick thinker like you Jai to take a look at my StimDrop J37NE class. Methods, instance variables, the whole enchilada and understand how they enter it. It should… « , « HEY! Buchanan shouted, « I don`t want a scummy hacker like Jai Nosin` around my code! « Simple big guy, » Jai saw his chance, « I`m sure you did a great job with your access mode. » Don`t tell me – a little twiddler! Buchanan shouted, « I left all these junkie-level methods public so they could access the repository site`s data, but I marked all of WareHousing`s critical methods as private. No one from the outside can access these methods, buddy, no one! When programmers work with an object in a class, they don`t need to know how the object stores its data or how its methods are implemented. 20. The Java Math.round method can be used to round numbers. Which of the following code snippets converts a floating-point number to the next integer? (a) 4.

After the keywords « public static », what are the names (in order) of the parts of this method header?public static int myFun (double a) A) 5. Which option represents a legal call to the static string square()?public static string square(int a){ return (« Beginencing »);}. A) Which of the following is not legal in a method definition in Java? Use the equals() method to determine whether two different objects are identical. Which of the following expressions is a legal way to check whether a value assigned to the num variable is in the range of 100 to 200? Which of the method calls listed on the right is legal given the following method? The method cannot change the bits that were in the calling variable x. The number and type of values transmitted must correspond to the order and type of parameters declared by the method. 21. Which of the following headers is the correct header for a method definition called calcSum that takes four int arguments and returns a duplicate? A) To use encapsulation, you must provide a set of public methods in the class and hide the implementation details. Return type, method name, parameter variable type, parameter variable name The Dog class has an instance variable size that uses the bark() method to decide what type of barking sound to produce.

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